We help you
Navigate Montessori
Help your children
reach their full potential.
Prepared adult is a key to Montessori
“An adult should show himself to a child as a loving and enlightened guide assisting him.”
Maria Montessori
Our mission at MontessoriParenting.org is to help you become the best possible guide for your children. We strive to help you navigate Montessori by making Montessori education available online for parents, teachers and other caregivers.
Our unique Montessori Online Video Course will walk you through Montessori step-by-step.
Montessori 3-6 Curriculum
We will introduce you to the key Montessori concepts via video lessons. You will learn about the Montessori curriculum and the scope and sequence of the materials. We will also give you ideas on how to make educational materials at home. After completing the course you will be on your way to become a confident Montessori guide to your children.
Let's give our babies and toddlers the best possible start into their lives...
Montessori Beginnings
Empowering children as they move through stages of autonomy can seem nearly impossible as big feelings and strong-wills emerge, but introducing Montessori principles during the first few years of a child’s life can be truly transformational. The Ultimate 12 modules Masterclass series Supporting the development of babies and toddlers the Montessori way.
Transform Power Struggles into Connection and Cooperation
Growing Together
Learn Montessori strategies in effective communication and discipline that actually work. End the tantrums and power struggles, set boundaries that stick, build routines that bring calm to your home, and help your child manage big feelings, so you can both feel truly understood.

Toilet learning, the Montessori way
Join us to make the toilet learning process a successful, natural, stress-free and positive experience leading your toddler towards independence and confidence.
Learn how to prepare the child, yourself and the environment for the toileting journey. Discover helpful communication tools to foster cooperation with your child and have all the knowledge needed for any setbacks or accidents.
Get the know about the toileting process itself - how to tell when the child is ready, daily routine, things to avoid and lots of practical tips for success!
Understanding Montessori’s Framework in a Nutshell
Montessori Practice
Following the Child Into the Future
Parenting with Emotional Intelligence and Love
Our Conference
Childhood Potential online Montessori Conference
Montessori Parenting is a proud organizer of the Childhood Potential International online Montessori conference. Our world-class Montessori speakers are ready to share their years of experience and insights with you.
The event is held online twice a year and it is 100% FREE during the holding time. How amazing is that! Premium Pass is available if you happen to miss the conference. You can watch and replay the lectures anytime, anywhere.
Live Talks
We love keeping in touch with our Montessori community! That's why we hold regular online live talks with interesting people where you ask the questions. Live talks are completely free, as well as their recordings!
Montessori Baby with Simone Davies
Are you interested in future Live Talks?
Leave us an email, and we'll inform you about the upcoming sessions.
You help us help!
We always plegded to donate part of the profit from the conference and course to help Montessori schools who take care of children in less advantaged parts of the world. With deep respect and love, we are proud to present to you projects we have chosen to support!
From the blog
Your source for all things Montessori – fundamental concepts, parenting tips, communication series and more to help you gain even deeper knowledge.