

A Bootcamp for Mastering Effective Communication and Behavior Strategies

Empowering Parents and Educators to Navigate Everyday Challenges

We understand... As parents, we want nothing more than to see our children thrive and develop into their best selves.

But let's be honest:
the parenting journey isn't always smooth sailing, is it?

Just like you, parents all around the globe grapple with different challenges and emotions. Do any of these thoughts sound familiar?

  • "I try to be positive, calm and loving, but all I get is whining, tantrums and meltdowns. Sometimes I feel lost and unsure of what to do next."
  • "Being at home with my child feels lonely. And when we finally meet with some other families with children, our son keeps on hitting other children, screaming and throwing things. This leaves me struggling to keep my cool."
  • "I constantly worry if I'm doing enough. Am I meeting my child's needs? Am I a good parent?."
  • "I try to offer activities to my son to support his development. Everything looks so perfect on instagram. But our home never looks like this and my son is often not interested at all with what I prepare. What a frustration!"
  • "I feel overwhelmed and exhausted. Sometimes taking care of my children is already physically and emotionally demanding and then when it comes to my daughter's picky eating or evening bed battles, it is just too much. "
  • "The constant testing of boundaries is driving me crazy! I say "no" and she goes and does the exact thing! I feel like a guard and not like a mother."

If these thoughts resonate with you, we want you to know:

You are not alone, and your feelings are valid.
Parenting is hard, and it's okay to feel overwhelmed.

But now... Imagine this:

  • You wake up each morning feeling confident and ready, knowing you have the tools and understanding to respond to your child's needs in a way that nurtures their development. The tantrums and power struggles have decreased significantly, replaced by calm and constructive communication.
  • Meal times become moments of joy and discovery, not battles of will. Bedtimes are no longer dreaded but welcomed with soothing routines and comforting connections.
  • You see your child grow not just in height, but in curiosity, resilience, empathy, and love of learning - traits that will set them up for a lifetime of success.
  • Everyday moments are transformed into opportunities for growth. A spilled glass of milk becomes a lesson in responsibility and coordination, a sibling squabble becomes a chance to guide your children toward empathy and conflict resolution.
  • You watch as your child takes on daily tasks with eagerness, their independence blossoming. They engage in activities you've introduced, their concentration deepening and their skills developing before your eyes.
  • And the best part? You no longer feel like you're just surviving each day, merely keeping up with your child's demands. Instead, you're thriving, enjoying the precious years of your child's early life, and feeling the gratification of guiding them towards their fullest potential.



This is not a distant dream. This can be your reality. All it takes is the first step.

So, take a deep breath, acknowledge the incredible job you're already doing, and join us on this transformative journey with the Montessori Beginnings Masterclass.

Together, we'll ensure you and your child not only survive, but truly thrive.

Introducing Montessori Beginnings

The Ultimate Montessori Masterclass Series
Supporting the development of babies and toddlers the Montessori way

Imagine the relief of having a trusted resource that provides you with accurate and reliable information, eliminating the need to scour the internet for answers.

The Montessori Beginnings course condenses decades of knowledge from top Montessori educators into a single, easily accessible and comprehensive resource.

By enrolling in this course, you'll gain a deep understanding of Montessori principles, terminology, and practical applications. No more guesswork or trial and error.

You'll have the tools and strategies you need to create an environment where your baby or toddler can flourish.

Experience an In-depth Learning Adventure:

Discover the Montessori Parenting Mysteries and peek into our 12 modules.

Each module includes a number of video-lessons of varying lengths,
with 2-3 hours of content within each module. 


Montessori Foundations

Learn Montessori theory and terms to get you started on your journey. Develop an understanding of Dr. Montessori’s key principles including the Planes of Development, Sensitive Periods, the Absorbent Mind, and the importance of order, Freedom with limits, Trusting the child, following the child or "being friends" with mistakes... And so much more!

Charlotte Snyder, Head of School at The Baan Dek Montessori, where she particularly enjoys sharing Montessori philosophy with families through the school’s blog and podcast.


The Prepared Environment

Explore how to design and structure your home to meet the infant and toddler’s needs. Learn what are the important aspects of Prepared environment, find ways to promote their independence, keep them engaged, interested and challenged as they grow. Learn about the process of toy rotation, shelves organisation and discover how strategies like these can help in maintaining the environment

Nicole Kavanaugh, writer, shares her family's journey at The Kavanaugh Report. She is a host to a popular Shelf Help podcast and hosts Montessori parenting courses. 


Preparing Ourselves as Adults

Develop the necessary skills and mindset to efectively implement Montessori as a parent. Learn how to re-wire our mindset and old programing (break decades of conditioning and generational patters) and how to get on the same page as parents and design a parenting approach together. Lets make joyful parentingsustainable practice that will last for life.

Lorena Seidel, a Social-Emotional Learning Consultant, certified Montessori guide, and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction teacher, who transformed lives of thousands.



Discover the art of observation, a hallmark of Montessori philosophy. Learn how to objectively monitor the child to understand their interests, needs, and abilities and understand how to adjust their environment accordingly. Learn what observation is, types of observation, and its benefits. Understand how and what to observe, and perhaps most importantly, what to do with the information you’ve gained after observations have been made. 

Dr. Paul Epstein, a highly regarded international speaker and Montessorian with decades of experience. Author of numerous articles and books, including An Observer’s Notebook.


Social-Emotional Development

This module will provide you with a range of strategies and techniques to help you support your children's emotional development. You will learn how to effectively deal with your children's big feelings and empower them to navigate their lives with confidence and skill. In addition, you will discover the powerful role that independence plays in the Montessori method and how you can encourage and promote this important aspect of child development.

Blanca Velazquez-Martin, a licensed psychotherapist and a certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator. Founder of Whole Child Home, where she offers consultations and workshops to parents.


Positive Discipline

Explore the principles of Positive Discipline and how to apply them in your Montessori home. You'll learn how to instill a sense of inner discipline in your child and understand the importance of freedom in the Montessori approach. Discover strategies for peacefully and respectfully redirecting children's behavior, including the use of self-quieting, setting limits, and natural consequences. Learn how to guide your child's behavior in a positive and supportive way.

Jeanne-Marie Paynel, author, Parenting Mentor and Home Consultant, host of The Art of Parenting podcast. Positive Discipline Educator, Montessorian and a globally recognized speaker. 



Learn about the natural process of child development and how to support the development of gross and fine motor skills. You will be able to recognize any potential delays or concerns with your child's motor skills. You will also be inspired by activities that help your child build whole body coordination, hand control, and hand-eye coordination. This will help you create a supportive and nurturing environment for your child's physical development.

Gabriela Velazquez, 0-3 Montessori teacher for more than 20 years, AMI teacher trainer. Lecturer, consultant, and examiner for AMI, Director of Training at different training centers.  


Practical Life Activities

Learn how to support the blossoming independence in your child by allowing the Practical Life activities in your schedule. Encourage your child to engage in daily tasks like getting dressed, cleaning up toys, and helping in the kitchen. Understand the importance of Grace and Courtesy in teaching social norms and manners. This module covers Practical Life activities such as Care of Self, Care of the Environment, and Grace and Courtesy.

Ferne van Zyl, Montessorian with more than 20 years of experience working with toddlers and their parents as a former Montessori learning center operator and now as a consultant.


Language Development

Understand the different stages of language development and how to support and facilitate your child's language skills. Discover a range of activities and techniques to provide your child with plenty of opportunities to hear and interact with language. Learn how to create language rich environment, encourage language production in your child and how to respond to their sounds and words in a way that supports their development. Explore strategies for supporting second/third language acquisition.

Simone Davies, author of The Montessori Baby and The Montessori Toddler books. Runs parent-child Montessori classes, operates her blog and podcast The Montessori Notebook. 


Sensorial Activities

Understand the importance of sensory development and how to support it through engaging and meaningful activities from birth. Learn about the various senses and discover a range of Montessori activities that focus on the senses of touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing. Learn how to set up a sensory-rich environment that is conducive to learning and exploration, and discover how to choose and prepare materials that are appropriate for your child's age and abilities.

Beth Wood, a certified Montessori Guide, educational consultant, founder of Our Montessori Life and author of The Montessori Toddler Activity Book. 


The Conditions: Covering Basic Needs

Learn how to create daily rhythms and routines that make daily life with young children more peaceful and relaxed. You will discover strategies for managing mealtimes and bedtimes and learn how to establish healthy sleep, hygiene and eating habits in your child. We will also cover common issues that may arise around sleep and nutrition in young children, including sleep problems, feeding difficulties, and picky eating

Mariana Bissonnette, Montessori educator, parenting guide, and founder of The PEACE Program. An award-winning author of the Babies Build Toddlers book. 


Toilet Learning

Learn about the gradual, natural process of Montessori toilet learning and how to support your child's independence while following their pace. Learn how to recognize when your child is ready for toilet learning and how to observe their needs and behaviors. Discover how to prepare yourself and the environment for success, how to deal with setbacks or wet pants, and how to navigate common challenges.

Neus Carmona, a certified Montessori guide, parent consultant and a Montessori parent. Helped more than 200 families on their toilet learning journeys.

It's time to navigate your Montessori parenting journey with clarity, confidence, and joy.

Top Educators from around the world

Our lecturers have decades of experience, are world-renowned parent and teacher consultants, authors of books, and speakers at international events!

You may have seen our experts on

Experience Tranformational Benefits

Our course is designed to deliver far-reaching benefits that extend beyond simply learning Montessori theory. Here's what you stand to gain from the Montessori Beginnings:

Enhanced Understanding

Deepen your comprehension of the Montessori pedagogy and principles. Understand your child's unique development and learning style, enabling you to better meet their needs.

Practical Skills

Acquire practical skills to set up a prepared environment, foster language and motor skills, manage positive discipline, and nurture social-emotional development in your child.

Confident Parenting

Feel more competent and confident in your parenting approach. Implement small changes in your daily life that can make a big difference in your child's behavior and development.

Strengthened Relationships

Use our tools and techniques to improve your relationship with your child, your partner, and other family members. Learn to effectively manage challenging behaviors and foster harmonious relationships.

Promoting Independence and Self-Reliance

Learn how to foster independence in your child. Experience the joy of seeing your child grow confident and competent, thereby easing your own parenting journey.

Personal Growth and Self-Care

Engage in self-reflection and adopt self-care strategies to better balance personal life, work, and parenting responsibilities. Understand how to be at your best to provide the best care for your child.

Consolidated and Reliable Information

Save time and effort searching for reliable resources. With Montessori Beginnings, get access to curated, expert-delivered information that assures you of providing the best for your children.

Community Support

Enjoy the perks of being part of a global community that understands and supports your parenting journey. Share experiences, gain practical advice, and experience a sense of belonging that makes parenting less isolating and more rewarding.

Child's Joy and Success

Encourage your child's natural curiosity and love of learning, laying the foundation for their lifelong success. Through the Montessori principles, you'll see them flourish in confidence and joy, fostering their overall happiness and future success.

In essence, Montessori Beginnings is not just a course:

it's a pathway to a more informed, competent, and confident parenting approach.

It's a tool for personal growth and a springboard to a loving, mindful, and effective approach to early childhood education


I just wanted to express my sincere gratitude to all the lecturers and the Montessori Parenting team for this wonderful masterclass series. I just watched the first module and Charlotte has a delightful and very mindful approach to education that has particularly resonated with me. I devoured her words as if I was reading a book (in fact I think she should write a book).
The topics were designed to really get the message of Dr. Maria Montessori across this modern age. As a first time mother of a 6 month old child, it gave me a jumpstart on applying Montessori not only in the materials I present to my child, but more importantly in living the Montessori lifestyle. I specifically loved and learned a lot from the topics on positive parenting and I am hoping that I get to really apply it in real life.
After listening to some of the sessions, right away I noticed myself being more relaxed with my son and less caught up in what he should be doing. I'm enjoying him more, observing his curiosity and allowing him the opportunity to show me what he is capable of and interested in. It has led to greater cooperation and made the days smoother and more enjoyable. Well done!

What to expect on your learning journey

12 modules with 30+ hours of video content

10 bonus videos

Unlimited lifetime access

Live Q&A sessions

Audio files

Workbooks to deepen your understanding

Private community

Certificate of completion

Bonus videos include:

  • I can do it! Supporting Self-efficacy in Montessori
    Charlotte Snyder
  • From baby to toddler: How to follow your Montessori child
    Neus Carmona
  • Beyond the shelf: 10 things your Montessori child actually needs
    Ashley Yeh
  • Unleashing creativity with Montessori
    Aubrey Hargis
  • The importance of movement in the foundation of healthy risk taking
    Gabriela Velazquez
  • Welcoming newborns the Montessori way and why it is important to start before birth
    Jeanne-Marie Paynel
  • Montessori early language neurodevelopment
    Julia Volkman
  • Creating beautiful hearts: making music with children from birth to six
    Una Shea
  • How practical life enhances the toddler's sense of order and personality
    Nancy McNabb and Mary Ellen Maunz
  • The importance of attachment in the first three years of life
    Gabriela Velazquez

Summer sale Offer € 300 OFF

Claim your discount with code


Montessori Beginnings

12 modules
$149 each
worth $1,788
10 bonus videos
$29 each
worth $290
Monthly live Q&A sessions
$50 each
worth $600
$15 each
worth $180
+ Private Facebook group
+ Certificate of Completion

2858 EUR

797 EUR

standard price

497 EUR

with our Summer Sale offer discount code*

*Claim the discount with code "SUMMERSALE" during your order.

** VAT may be applied for the EU countries. 

Not sure if our course is right for you?
Purchase it risk-free.
We'll give you your money back if you're not satisfied.

Your satisfaction is our priority. If you are not happy with the course, you may contact us within the first two weeks of the course for full refund of the purchase price.

You've read about the Montessori Beginnings course, you understand the amazing benefits it can bring to you and your family. Now it's time to act.

Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to transform your parenting journey and ensure the best for your child.

By enrolling today, you're not just signing up for a course. You're stepping into a community, a support system, and a path to a more harmonious family life.

Empower yourself and your child with the gift of Montessori education.

Act now – your journey towards confident, effective parenting begins here.

Remember, you're not just investing in a course 
- you're investing in your child's future and your family's happiness.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does this course cover?

The Montessori Beginnings Masterclass is a comprehensive online course that delves into the Montessori method for children aged 0-3. It covers essential topics such as understanding child development, fostering independence, managing positive discipline, setting up a prepared environment, and engaging in self-care as a parent.All the lessons are in form of videos. We want to visually show you how to work with the materials. If you purchased the VIP package, after you have seen all the videos, you can then contact us to arrange the personal consultation.

How is the course delivered?

The course is fully online, consisting of 12 modules released weekly. Each module contains video lessons, practical strategies, and recommended resources. You also have the opportunity to participate in live Q&A sessions throughout the year.

Do I need to have any previous knowledge of Montessori?

Not at all! This course is designed for all parents, whether you're new to Montessori or have some knowledge already. We start from the basics and gradually delve deeper, making sure all concepts are clear and easily applicable in your daily parenting journey.

I'm quite familiar with Montessori principles. Is this course still beneficial for me?

Absolutely! Our Montessori Beginnings course not only covers the fundamentals, but also dives deeply into more advanced aspects of Montessori pedagogy. It's an excellent resource for enriching your existing knowledge, gaining fresh perspectives, and staying up-to-date with the latest practices in Montessori education.

How long do I have access to the course?

We understand that life can be busy, so we offer lifetime access to all course materials. This means you can revisit the content at your own pace, whenever you need.

What if I have questions during the course?

You're not alone in this journey. We encourage questions and discussions during our live Q&A sessions. Plus, you'll be part of a supportive community of parents going through the same learning journey.

Is this course only for parents?

While the course is primarily designed for parents, it's also beneficial for caregivers, educators, or anyone interested in applying Montessori principles for children aged 0-3.

What if the course doesn’t meet my expectations?

Your satisfaction is our top priority. If you feel the course isn't meeting your expectations, please get in touch with us within 14 days of your purchase for a full refund.

How can I pay for the course?

We accept major credit cards and PayPal for payment. The course price is displayed in Euros, but the price can be changed in the order form to US dollars as well. All transactions are secure and made through a US based payment gate STRIPE .

Does this course come with a certification upon completion?

Our main focus in this course is to provide you with the practical knowledge and skills to positively impact your parenting or teaching approach. At this time, we don't offer a formal certification. However, we can issue a certificate of completion. But remember - the transformative effects on your child and your methods extend far beyond what can be captured on a certificate.

The course seems expensive?

While we understand that the course comes with an investment, we believe in the value it offers. This course is designed to save you countless hours of research and trial and error. Moreover, it provides you with a clear path and actionable steps to support your child's development in the best possible way. Compared to many parenting books, workshops, or personal consultations, this comprehensive course provides excellent value for money.

Our school is interested in enrolling multiple teachers. Are there group discounts available?

Yes, we're happy to support schools or institutions by offering group discounts for enrolling multiple participants. Please reach out to us directly to discuss the details, and we'll tailor a package that best fits your needs.

... and more Testimonials

Juggling work and parenting is tough, but Montessori Beginnings gave me the tools to create a more harmonious and productive daily routine. My toddler's independence has grown so much, and it made our life much easier.
The masterclasses have transformed the way I parent my children. I am now more confident in my decisions and my home is a much calmer and happier place. This was the best investment I've made in my family's well-being.
I cannot overstate the impact this course has had on my teaching practice. I've learned so many practical strategies that have helped create a more engaging and independent learning environment in my toddler classroom.