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Webinar about the basics
of Montessori education
Montessori approach is very popular with parents, teachers and children themselves thanks to its understanding of unique personalities, importance given to the child\'s inner motivation and the idea of children taking active part in their learning process.
In our 75 minutes long webinar, we will guide parents and teachers through the basics of the Montessori method and its use at home, as well as at school. So each one of the viewers can decide if this is what he is looking for!

Let us show you
how Montessori approach can make your children

- independent
- self-confident
- socially responsible
- self directed
- even more curious
- and in love with their learning!
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Who will guide you through the webinar?
Lucie Tamášová
- a mom of two and a Montessori enthusiast
- Founder of and owner of successful Montessori online store
- Founder of the NGO Centrum Dialog which is giving a chance to less fortunate children to get a quality education and leave the circle of poverty.
A personal letter for you...
Dear friend,
Becoming and being a parent fills you with overwhelming joy and love …
But it is scary and confusing as well. You want to do your best in taking care of you children but you don\'t know what exactly does it mean. It is okay, we all felt that way.My journey started when my two children were born. I felt lost. I knew I wanted to have a respectful approach to parenting, embracing my kids\' unique potential not only academically, but also emotionally and socially, empowering them to become compassionate, independent and confident.
I attended different trainings, read many books and collected as much valuable information as I could. With time, I became a very passionate Montessori fan. I realized getting information is not as easy as it could seem. Getting through all the trainings, books, blogs and other resources takes time and every parent will tell you, you do not have time to waste when you have children. Trainings are expensive and getting out of the house is not that simple either. So after I went through all this, I decided to record a concise online Montessori course that will teach you what you need to know.If you are a parent, teacher, or an assistant... I really want you to feel you are not alone. You can give your children what they need. You can be part of an awesome community of moms and teachers who are passionate, creative, loving and supportive.
This 75 minutes webinar that I have prepared for you will tell you just about the minimum that can get you started with Montessori...
What will you learn in the 75 minutes of the webinar?

- What is the difference between Montessori and Traditional approach?
- Some basic Montessori terminology - like absorbent mind, or sensitive periods...
- The importance of observation - at home and at school
- How to prepare the environment in your home
- What are the curriculum areas in Montessori and their characteristics
- You will get inspiration for materials you can make by yourself at home