Montessori Parenting in the 21st Century – Part 2
Montessori education first flourished more than a century ago. What is different now and then, and what are the most common obstacles Montessori parents run into?
Montessori education first flourished more than a century ago. What is different now and then, and what are the most common obstacles Montessori parents run into?
In this new year, help your child on their path to global citizenship.
So much of what we discuss here on this blog – and in Montessori in general – focuses on the child: studying, understanding and responding to their needs. However, what of the other side of the conversation: the parents, and other adults in the child’s life?
Montessori education is not inherently religious and does not, in itself, provide any form of religious instruction. However, it does purposefully encourage exploration, enjoyment and respect for all forms of human spirituality.
“An education capable of saving humanity is no small undertaking; it involves the spiritual development of man, the enhancement of his value as an individual, and the preparation of young people to understand the times in which they live.”
I have been thinking about “an unconditional love” for our children for couple of weeks now. I have been thinking about the fact that not only young children, but also grown ups sometimes encounter some form of rejection of love from their parents, simply because they do not meet their parents expectations or goals. (The son has...