FREE Webinar Mini Lesson #3

Welcome to the third video from our mini lessons series!

What questions are we going to answer
in this third video lesson for you? 

  • Observation: Why is it important? How to practice it?
  • Observation: When to intervene in the child\'s actions? 
  • Emotions: How to deal with strong emotions?
  • Emotions: When should we seek professional help?
  • Boundaries: Why is it important to set boundaries? When do we need to set them up? 
  • Motivation: Why in Montessori we doesn\'t use praise and punishment?
  • Motivation: How to support the inner motivation of children?

Who is answering your questions? 

Michaela Tučková

Michaela has been teaching in a Toddler classrooms since 2014 in International Montessori School of Prague. Although she had originally pursued a degree in Physics, she developed an interest in Montessori education when volunteering in Montessori schools in the United States, and now considers education her defining passion. Misha loves her work with children but also takes great pleasure in leading workshops on Montessori education and child development as she believes working with the parents is equally important. She holds an AMI Assistants to Infancy (ages 0-3) diploma and a Bachelor’s degree in Special Pedagogy.

Did you miss the first two video lessons? 

You can still watch them for free here! 

In these two videos, you could hear about: 

  • Is Montessori still suitable for children in today\'s society? 
  • How to prepare your child for the coming of a new baby into the family? 
  • How to support a good relationship among the children at your home? 
  • How to prepare activities for children of different ages and developmental needs?
  • Why is the prepared environment so important?
  • How to prepare the environment at home for the child to satisfy his/her needs?


Do you want even more? 

We have video lessons #4 and #5 and an e-book for you!

We really want to give you the best value and information that would be more than useful! This is why we decided to make two more videos and also write an e-book with all Montessori philosophical essentials. And because we wanted to make this affordable for everyone, we offer you the two videos, plus the e-book, for only 9,99Euro.   

Here is what you can get: 

Video Lesson #4

  • Getting dressed: When to give children the opportunity to dress up by themselves? How to help them become independent? How to motivate them?
  • Food: When and how should we teach children to feed themselves? Picky eaters? How to involve children in food preparation process?
  • Toilet training: When are children ready? Should we push them to be without nappies? Should we praise or punish them?

Video Lesson #5

  • Sleeping: How to put children to sleep? What are the best before-sleep rituals? How often and how much should children sleep?
  • Technology: What is the Montessori approach to technology? How does it affect children?
  • Creativity and Fantasy: What is the Montessori approach to pretend play? How to develop children's creativity and imagination?

Montesssori Essentials E-book

Let us help you discover the key concepts of Montessori Philosophy!

- Planes of Development
- Fundamental Human Tendencies
- Absorbent Mind
- Sensitive Periods
- Prepared Environment
- Normalization


We are happy to answer all your questions and hear your comments! 🙂

Just get in touch! Write us an email at [email protected]
